28 N. Country Road Ste. 101F Mt. Sinai NY 11766

About Us
Speech and Language Therapy
If your child or a family member has speech, language and or sound concerns, a therapist will begin by administering an individual speech and language evaluation, assess, then provide specific speech therapy strategies. The outcome is to improve the individuals communication for speech and language. Speech therapy is the beginning to increase communication to an individuals’ optimal success.
Caryn Gluick is an Asha certified speech therapist licensed by the State of NY. Ms. Gluick earned her Bachelors of Arts degree in Education and Psychology from the State University of Westbury and earned her Masters degree in Speech and Hearing Pathology from C.W. Post University in Brookville, New York. Ms. Gluick has worked with children from 6 months of age through adults in various settings: public schools, private schools, at-home therapy settings, sub acute and acute care settings. She has served children with a variety of diagnoses including language disorders, apraxia of speech, autism, articulation, phonology, oral motor difficulties, auditory processing, stuttering, cluttering, interdental/lateral lisps and tongue thrust. She has served adults with voice disorders from vocal fold nodules, pseudo cysts and unilateral and bilateral paralysis. Speech therapy for adults have included language, fluency and comprehension difficulties as a result of stroke, brain injury and Parkinson’s Disease. She has received training in prompt therapy, cleft palate/resonance, fluency disorders and oral motor difficulties.
Your state is very important for us. We use individual approach and treat each our patient respectfully
Our staff is very professional and responsive. We love our work and will provide you with a high-quality services and treatment.