28 N. Country Road Ste. 101F Mt. Sinai NY 11766

Lingual Thrusts

Our Services

Lingual Thrusts

TONGUE THRUST, FRONTAL LISP, LATERAL EMISSION, REVERSE SWALLOW and subsequent lingual oral motor conditions can effect various lingual (tongue) coordination resulting in various specific diagnosis. Lingual assessment is thoroughly assessed with both objective and subjective information. Each patient can be very different in what their needs are.

Tongue thrust and treatment of subsequent articulation disorders (also reverse swallow or immature swallow) is the common name for orofacial musculature imbalance, a human behavioral pattern in which the tongue protrudes through the anterior incisors during swallowing, speech and while the tongue is at rest. One or many of these symptoms can be present. Treatment is patient specified as too which symptoms are present.


Treatment is always patient specified
resulting in a productive outcome.

We provide you with professional speech therapy services by our experienced staff.

Your state is very important for us. We use individual approach and treat each our patient respectfully

Our staff is very professional and responsive. We love our work and will provide you with a high-quality services and treatment.

Mt. Sinai

28 N. Country Road Ste. 101F
Mt. Sinai NY 11766

Questions? Please Contact Us Below.