28 N. Country Road Ste. 101F Mt. Sinai NY 11766
Our Services
Is a disorder that results from damage to the language centers of the brain; the most common cause of stroke. A speech-language pathologist work to restore fluency, strength and coordination of speech muscles and aspects of reforming lost language abilities.
Speech-language pathologists help stroke survivors with aphasia relearn

how to use language or develop alternative means of communication. They work with patients to develop problem-solving and social skills needed to cope with the after effects of a stroke.
Many specialized therapeutic techniques have been developed to assist people with apashia or dysarthria. Intensive exercises are used and some forms of therapy can improve comprehension rapidly.
Treatment is always patient specified
resulting in a productive outcome.
Your state is very important for us. We use individual approach and treat each our patient respectfully
Our staff is very professional and responsive. We love our work and will provide you with a high-quality services and treatment.

Mt. Sini
28 N. Country Road Ste. 101F
Mt. Sinai NY 11766